Saturday, February 19, 2011

How Did Krucio Beacame Evil

My dear Pandas,
Do you know what I came accross today, as I was browsing through my old photo albums? A photo of the young innocent Krucio! Imagine he was once a cute and harmless Panda. Don’t you believe me? See it for yourselves:

Like an angel he was sleeping under the sun! Only a few minutes after this picture was taken he felt utter rage and will of vengeance towards other Pandas for the first time. Would you like to hear the whole story? Well, listen up.
You should know that Krucio was very unpopular as a kid. The other children thought of him as odd and treated him in a very mean way. The reason was his… how should I put this… well, his moustache! He had a tiny moustache already as a child. That’s why they called him Bearded Paul! Description: :( It was horrible.
The kids used to tug him by the moustache or even draw a whole beard on his face. Description: :( But on the day this picture was taken they really went too far. It all happened on a fieldtrip in a zoo. Paul was sleeping on the grass, and the mean kids decided to take adventage of that. They tied a ribbon to his moustache, and tied the other end to… an elephant’s leg! Description: :shock: Oh dear, you must imagine what happened then? So, Krucio was sleeping unaware of the thread tied from his moustache to the elephant’s foot. Suddenly the moustache started to move slightly, as if it were dancing. He didn’t notice anything until the mean kids started roaring with laughter. He opened his eyes wide and screamed loudly: “OOUUUUUCH! Get your hands off my moustache for the last time!!!” But it was no kid who had his hands on Krucio’s moustache, it was the huge elephant! And he was about to tart strolling around his yard! Description: :shock: Krucio got up quickly like he’d just sat down on a pin, and cried like a hyeena. He ran towards the fence, so the elephant wouldn’t pull off his moustache! Thank heavens the zookeeper came in time to stop the elephant and release poor Krucio before the animal had pulled him into the enclosure! Oh dear. Krucio war exhausted and his eyes were filled with tears. He dropped on his knees and looked at the bullies. “You’ll regret ever touching my moustache, I swear to you! I’ll show you, you pathetic Pandas!”
To this day he has let his moustache grow and has become totally alienated of all other Pandas. He holds a grudge against everyone, because he can’t forgive this traumatic experience, or trust anyone anymore. He’s even taking his vengeance on all of you innocent Pandas right now, isn’t that just unfair? Oh, I wish he could let go some day and stop this revenge from going on and on… Revenge is a horrible thing, it brings nothing good.
Love & Peace